Source: Reddit
I (50f) told my daughter (24f) she needs to pay rent. She got out of college in February and struggled to find a job until October. I supported her during the job hunt and she’s been living back home rent free. I was excited for her for finally finding the job, especially when it is surprisingly well paying. She told me she won’t get paid until late this month. I said it was fine but she still needs to pay rent.
The other day she told me she planned a trip with her friends and was saving for plane tickets. I reminded her again that she still needs to pay rent, as it felt like she’s trying to avoid rent so she could save money for the trip. She told me she’d pay the rent, but deducted her credit card bill. Apparently she wanted me to pay her credit card bill first then keep the rest as rent. I told her it was unacceptable. She rolled her eyes and tried to walk away. In the heat of the moment, I said some unfortunate things. At the end of the fight, she finally agreed to pay the rent and her own credit card bill.
My daughter has become extremely distant since. She started working overtime almost all week. I tried to talk to her, I even told her she can keep her original plan but she just kept fixating on the things I’ve said. Either ignoring my message or telling me how I’ve misunderstood her and made her feel bad.
My husband thinks I’m AH because he thinks our daughter was already stressed and I kept reminding her to rent money she didn’t have. Demanding rent in a fight made me the villain. Today she handed me a stack of cash, rent and credit card bill included. I tried to tell her the money will be in a family savings account. She rolled her eyes and said she didn’t care. She then cut up the credit card I was managing the bills for. My husband gave me a look. I honestly don’t think I deserve any of these treatments. I love my daughter very much but I can’t help but wonder if my husband was right. Am I A Jerk?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: