Your brother-in-law makes everyone in the family happy and at the same time, your brother-in-law becomes a good buddy. But not all are so lucky to get a good brother-in-law. Read the story to know what issues the wife and her brother-in-law had. Do you agree with what she did?
Source: Reddit
My f25 husband’s m30, brother (BIL) m33 moved in with us after his divorce few weeks ago. The problem I have is that he started barging into the bathroom whenever I’m using it. He never knocks or anything. Another thing is that he only does this when it’s me in the bathroom, not his brother. I told my husband about what I’d noticed but he laughed it off and called me paranoid. It was embarrassing because his brother would see me exposed and it made me uncomfortable. My husband said he spoke to him and he apologized but did it again.
When my husband and I got married, we promised to not have locks or lock each other out of any room. So the bathroom didn’t have a lock. I was really considering getting a lock and I let my husband know that if his brother walks in on me in the bathroom one more time then a lock will instantly be installed. He didn’t say anything.
Well, Yesterday, BIL walked in on me showering. He knew I would be in the shower but barged in anyone claiming he needed to pee. I had enough so I went out and got a lock and installed it. My husband got home, saw it and blew up on me saying I violated an agreement that I was part of ” and went against his wishes being uncomfortable with locks in the house. He demanded I remove it and promised and guaranteed that his brother won’t walk in on me again but I refused.
He’s been pissed about it since then and is giving the silent treatment.
INFO I’m not close with my BIL, my husband is. I don’t even talk to him that much and I barely even sat with him at any gathering before he moved in with us.
UPDATE – So before I provide an update on this situation. It’s worth noting that my BIL used to do this with the bedroom too but at least I’m not always exposed in the bedroom.
So My husband came home and I told him the lock will not be removed til his brother leaves and his reaction was to try and remove the lock himself and tell me to quit acting childishly. What I did was not shout or scream but pack a bag and go to my mom’s house for the next few days or so til this gets resolved somehow.
On my way out I saw my BIL in the driveway smoking. He knew what the argument between me and my husband was about but instead of stepping up to fix it he offered to take me to my mom’s house saying that my husband could use some space “from me”. This made me cry the whole uber ride to my mom’s house. The reason I feel offended is because BIL tends to be hurtful when he talks about others. I did all I could to win his approval but he thinks less of me and thinks I’m childish just like my husband says
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: