Everybody understands that you shouldn’t take centre stage with your personal job or family news at a wedding or other wedding-related event, but what occurs when a pregnancy is unexpectedly disclosed? Whether we like it or not, most families will be far more delighted about a child than a diamond ring and a marriage certificate. Read the story and think whether she was right/wrong in revealing her pregnancy at her sister-in-law’s engagement.
Source: Reddit
I know this seems bad but hear me out please
I’m (24f) 4 months pregnant. My husband (29m) and I are very excited and we can’t wait to be parents. We decided not to tell people till the week after the party.

My in-laws own a winery and it’s beautiful. It’s where my sil (let’s call her Taylor) got engaged at and the engagement party was. I’m known for loving wine (I’m not an alcoholic) but I like a glass of wine while out but with a glass of water for the rest of the outing.
So at the engagement party, I was drinking water and talking to my in-laws when Taylor offered me a glass of wine. I told her that I don’t feel like drinking. She kept offering me and I kept refusing. I made up so many excuses till she asked if I was pregnant as a joke. I nervously smiled and tried to walk away. She screamed that I ruined her engagement party by telling her that I’m pregnant. Now my husband and I are not invited to her wedding. But am I the a**h**e?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: