Source: Reddit
I(28F) bought a house two years ago, it’s a very spacious place (4bd, 3 baths and a biga*s garden) that I’ve been remodeling and making my own. My fiancé and I have been dating for 4 years, he (32M) has 2 kids from a previous marriage (8M and 6F) that are really good kids. On top of that, I have 2 nephews (my sister’s kids) that I absolutely adore and love with my full heart (5M and 3M).
Now, my fiancé and I have been talking about moving together for about 1-2 years, but with the purchase and several custody fights he has had with his ex, it has been difficult. He and the kids were supposed to be moving at the end of this year or the beginning of the next, but sadly, my sister and her husband passed away 2 months ago and my nephews were left alone. I knew I’ll be asked to take them in, and I was 100% sure that I wanted to because I love them and I wasn’t willing to let them go in the system, but I talked to my fiancé first.
While he wanted me to take the boys too, he didn’t like that hey had ”priority” over his kids, since I currently have 4 bedrooms, two kids would’ve to share and I was against it no matter whom they were because I don’t like the idea of cramping small kids in a room, he said it was okay, that MY nephews could share a room and HIS kids could have the other two, I said hell no, then he didn’t like when I offered for us to move to the basement so the all of the kids could have the rooms with the idea of my 5M having my room, because since his boy is oldest, ”he should have it” and a very few more incident.
Ultimately, as selfish as it was, I decided it was my house and I’ll do what’s best for my nephews and due to his lack of empathy, we were no longer moving in together and that we could either plan to add 2 or 3 more bedrooms to the house AFTER we marry, or he could go, because my nephews needed me more right now. So I moved them in, decorated their bedrooms as they liked and called it a day.
I’m still getting texts from him and his family (we haven’t broken up) about how ”I could’ve make it work” because those kids see me as a mother figure (which is true) and I abandoned them to accommodate my nephews (which is also true, sorta). He called me an AH Am I ?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: