Our soulmates and our friends both need our attention, but it may be tough to know where to draw the line and how to balance providing attention to the correct individual at the appropriate time.
Source: Reddit
My best friend wanted to go to Croatia for her bachelorette party. While we were there my husband asked me if I would be willing to fly to him that night. I hadn’t seen him in a month and I missed him a lot so I said yes. There were only 3 days left of the trip anyway, so I thought my friend would be okay with it.
However, when I told her she begged me not to go and got angry when I said he asked me to go see him. She told me I always ran like an obedient dog whenever he called and she said he had no respect for me otherwise he wouldn’t do this. She said she hoped she didn’t end up like me after getting married and a lot of other things about me/my marriage/husband. I was really angry and I told her she was acting like a b*tch.
After I left, she sent me a message saying she was reconsidering my role in the wedding since I was so unreliable. What do you think about this situation? Any advice for the wife… Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: