It’s quite natural to differ on occasion – as long as you keep your cool. When a fight occurs amongst family members, though, it’s a very other matter. No matter how cheesy it sounds or how much easier it appears to turn a blind eye and ignore the problem, communication is an important part of family relationships, especially when a third person, in this situation, a stepparent, is involved. Read the story and share your thoughts on this.
Source: Reddit
My family lives in my grandparents house just outside the city on an acreage. My dad works out of town and my mom liked having the help with me and she liked helping out her folks.
My mom passed away from cancer about 12 years ago. My dad still had to work so I just kept living with my grandparents. My dad always spent time with me when he was home. I wish my mom hadn’t passed but I had a pretty good life. When he was home he would stay in their old room or we would go on vacations.
My grandparents both passed away over the last couple of years from COVID and complications. My mom was an only child and so am I. My mom’s life insurance went to my dad, and he used it to help renovate the house. My grandparents never charged him rent. Sorry I realize how confusing this is.
Anyways, I am the only person in my grandmother’s will. I got money and the house and my grandpa’s truck.
My dad started dating a couple of years after my mom passed away. He never brought anyone to the house until this last one. She is young but pretty. She also has two young kids. He talked to me about it and asked if they could move in.
It’s a big house and I have a large area to myself. So I agreed.
So she’s been living with me for about six months. Now she just got pregnant. My dad asked her to marry him. I’m happy for him. He is a great dad. He is sh*t at communicating though.
My step mom has started in on me about when I’m going to move out since they will need my room for the baby. I guess she wants her mom to come live with her and help. My dad never told her that the house is mine.
So my dad came home last weekend and we had a long talk. The stepkids have been sharing my grandparents’ old room. I have my room with a big closet and ensuite my dad put in and he has the other big bedroom with an en suite.
She wants me to move to the city while I finish my education. She offered me her apartment at a discount.
I waited for my dad to tell her. He didn’t. So I did. I told her it’s my house and I’m not giving up my room. I also said that my dad had a fair amount of savings and could probably buy them a house. Especially if they sold her apartment and used it for a down payment.
Now I’m the a**hole for making him use money he was planning on for his retirement and she doesn’t want to sell her apartment because the market is going to keep going up and she wants to build equity.
I made it clear that they should move before the baby comes. Am I acting entitled?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: