Family problems are never easy. When the destiny and goals of at least two people are intertwined, a problem can arise at any time. Read the article to find out what happened in this blended family and what you would have done in such a scenario.
Source: Reddit
I (32f) married my husband (33m) two years ago, and we just had our first child together. We had a fairly “intimate” wedding and only invited a select few people (close family and friends). My parents divorced when I was twenty and my dad remarried when I was twenty-five. His new wife has a daughter, “Kelly”, who’s 26. I’ve lived in a different country since I graduated from university, so I’ve only met Kelly on a handful of occasions and we’re not close. However, I included her in the invite list because she’s part of my dad’s family.
On my wedding day, Kelly showed up in a pure white cocktail dress. It was extremely over-the-top (think mid-thigh slit, plunging neckline). Very much a “draw attention to yourself” type of dress. Even ignoring the colour, it was super inappropriate as we got married in a church. On the day itself, I decided to just ignore it and make the most of my day, but that didn’t stop members of my family and my husband’s family asking me who she was and if I’d given her permission. It was just unnecessary drama, and while it didn’t spoil the wedding, it certainly tainted it a little.
I spoke to my dad about it afterwards and he told me that he hadn’t realised what she was going to wear until they got to the church (she travelled separately), or he’d have told her not to. He said he’d spoken to her about it, and she said that she didn’t realise it would be inappropriate to wear white because the wedding was in a different country. We got married in France and I refuse to believe she genuinely thought the rules on wedding attire are drastically different here.
Anyway, we’ve just sent out invitations for our son’s baptism and this time, I didn’t include Kelly on the invite to my dad and his wife. He called me to ask if it was an oversight, and I said no, it wasn’t. I didn’t want her there after what she did at my wedding. It was embarrassing and I didn’t want my son’s baptism to be tainted the same way.
My dad’s wife is very upset and has stated clearly that if she’s not invited, none of them will be going. It puts my dad in a tough position, but I don’t want her there. Am I Wrong for not allowing her to come?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: