Many individuals employ unconventional methods to have their own kids, but they all require the same two elements: a sperm and an egg. However in this story a mother recently revealed that her 26-year-old daughter is ignoring such elements in favor of the belief that she can force herself into being pregnant. Read the story and tell us how you would handle the situation.
Source: Reddit
My daughter let’s just call her Tara(26f) identifies as an asexual and we are truly happy for her, and we have accepted Tara when she came out to us. However, for the past three years she has been wanting to have a baby rather desperately however when I suggest that she goes to the sperm bank or have a male friend to be a donor she shuts it down and says she can be pregnant from the power of her mind.
She’s been listening to the binaural beats on conception, another youtube video that sends subliminal messages of manifesting pregnancy without intercourse. I keep trying to tell Tara that it’s just a biological fact that she needs sperm to be pregnant and she insists this is me not believing in the power of her mind.
Here’s where I feel I was really AH, I told her to stop listening to these videos and that is never going to work and every time I bring it up, we end up in a shouting match and she leaves. She gives me the silent treatment for weeks until she starts talking to me again like nothing ever happened.
My husband tells me to leave Tara alone and let her listen to these videos as she is not hurting anyone by doing so and in time, he feels she’ll save up enough money for a sperm donor and have the baby she truly desires. He also believes that Tara is listening to these videos to hold out hope for a miracle to happen and that there is nothing wrong in believing in miracles.
So, I await my judgement. Am I the a**h**e? What should I do?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: