
Deaf Dad Gets The Best Christmas Gift EVER.

Some of the very best Christmas presents aren’t new, expensive gadgets or surprise trips to somewhere exotic. Some of the best presents are when we can truly hear what someone is saying, and here’s a story of a father who received the best Christmas present ever.

Isn’t it great to hear your child speak to you? They have a voice, and you love hearing it. But 49-year-old Ken Stehle was deaf, and for the 15 years of his daughter Ashley’s life, he had never been able to hear her voice.

But only a few days before Ashley’s Christmas concert at school, Ken was fitted with a new type of hearing aid. It worked wirelessly with a small microphone.

At the concert, Ashley wore that microphone, and Ken, for the very first time, was able to hear his daughter’s angelic voice. Even though Ken, who has been deaf since birth, could not understand words as they were said or sung, because he had never heard them before, he was amazed at what his brain was now receiving.

Says Ken: “It was awesome to hear her beautiful voice.”

And Ashley actually got to sing a solo during the concert, and it was perfect for her dad. The solo was “Daddy Please Come Home,” a twist to the hit song, “Baby Please Come Home.”

While singing, Ashley could see her father in the audience, and she knew immediately that he could hear her by his astonished reactions and she was thrilled by that, to say the least.

Says Ashley: “He was sobbing. I was holding back. At that moment we were inseparable. Now my life is fulfilled.” 

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