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Couple Adopts Baby, Dad Meets Birth Mom And Realizes He Knows Her.

Walter Manis and his wife Annie grew up in Arkansas together when Walt’s family relocated to town about the time Annie was born. Annie’s family resided across the field from Walt’s parents’ farm, and their families were close friends.

Walt visited Annie often, yet since she was “a tiny munchkin,” he didn’t give her any attention. But Walt was seen by the small blonde girl. Annie admitted that she had always thought Walt Manis was fantastic. She used to fantasize about meeting someone like him when she grew up.

Annie’s childhood buddy assisted her in settling in and introduced her to a church when she started college. They spent more time together as they got to know each other better. Walt was reminded of a vivid vision he had as a young child, one he had never forgotten and would never forget, when they were chatting about their dreams.

Twenty years as Mrs. Manis. 🤍 I’ve officially spent more of my life with you than without you, Walt. What a ride this…

Posted by Annie Schulte Manis on Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Walt grew up on his parents’ 100-acre ranch, where he spoke to God and God often spoke to him. During one of those chats, God revealed to Walt, then 12, a vivid picture of a kid. She had a black complexion and eyes,” Walt remembered. Then God said, ‘This will be your daughter, and her name will be Chloe.’

Years later, when discussing their future plans with Walt Manis, Annie expressed her belief that God created her “to be a mom.” That was all she wanted, and she had even decided on a name for her future kid, she informed Walt.

Posted by Annie Schulte Manis on Monday, 8 March 2010

Walt asked Annie what name she had chosen, but he didn’t tell her about the dream he had as a child. Chloe was the name God had given Walt years earlier. Walt and Annie were both taken aback when Walt told her about his boyhood vision and his idea that he’d one day have a girl with the same name Annie had chosen for her future kid.

Walt didn’t believe Annie, with her blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale complexion, could be the mother of the young child God had shown him since he had seen Chloe with olive skin and brown eyes. Annie, on the other hand, knew from the start that Walt would be her spouse.

Walt has a way of putting her to sleep so easily. His arms are very comfy.

Posted by Annie Schulte Manis on Friday, 16 July 2010

Annie was correct about her relationship with Walt. The couple finally married and planned to create a family. Unfortunately, Annie and Walt were unable to conceive. Months became years, and their inability to conceive kids strained their marriage and put their faith to the test. Annie started to doubt God’s kindness.

Heartbroken by infertility, the couple begged God to remove their longing to be parents if that was not what He desired for them. Their yearning, though, simply became greater. Walt remembered that because of His love, God kept pushing them to love the idea of becoming parents and having a little girl.

Annie felt this indicated they should adopt, but Walt was fiercely opposed.

God kept working on Walt, and he finally moved from being passionately opposed to adoption to “simply wanting the baby God wants” him to have. With Walt now amenable to the idea, Annie eagerly started the adoption procedure, and the pair soon received the news they had been anticipating.

Something over there sure is funny…

Posted by Annie Schulte Manis on Friday, 16 July 2010

“It’s a girl,” the adoption agency said in an email, informing Annie and Walter Manis that a lady named Alison had selected them to be the parents of her unborn child. While the couple awaited the arrival of their daughter, the biological mother requested to see the adoptive parents-to-be. Annie and Walt arrived in Wichita, Kansas, where Alison welcomed them. When Walt initially saw her, he recognized immediately that he had seen her face before.

She opens the door, and it looks like a grown-up version of this tiny girl from his imagination, Walter Manis recounted. After hours of talking with Alison, the topic of the baby’s name came up. Annie and Walt had discarded the name Chloe as a coincidental occurrence. When asked whether she had decided on a name, Alison said, she has been calling this baby Chloe ever since she became pregnant, even before she knew it was a girl.

Annie and Walter Manis were taken aback when they realized God had maintained the promise He made to Walt as a child. Walt’s reservations about having a “band-aid kid” vanished instantly and totally. In an instance, when the birth mom spoke the name ‘Chloe,” he had become a parent. Walt stated that he was her father even before she was born.

Posted by Annie Schulte Manis on Monday, 8 March 2010

God had always intended for Annie and Walter Manis to become Chloe’s parents.

Annie said that she had been naive and that her pain had warped her view, but that what she thought was Him not loving her was actually Him being the most loving He could have been. It was as if He was whispering to her at that time, ‘I’ve been here this entire time, and you didn’t know, but I’ve been here this whole time, I’ve been walking this journey with you, and I was just saying trust me, trust me, trust me, trust me.”

Annie said she believe God is great and believes it’s amazing how He launched the stars into space. And that same God, the same God who holds the universe together, loves me. She feel so safe in that love. And to be able to believe and relax in it — that is the best gift.

It’s a daily effort to simply sit in His sovereignty — when everything in ones mind is breaking apart — just to wait, Walt said. He just does not leave anything to chance, and it is not at random. It’s incredible. It’s nothing short of a miracle. Others certainly agree, as they gain more faith, hope, and confidence in God’s promises as a result of Walt, Annie, and Chloe’s tale. God is good, and He works things out in His perfect time for all of us.

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