Giving birth to a baby is painful and beautiful at the same time. A mother has the full right to choose how she would like to deliver the baby. It’s her body she has to go through the pain all she wants is her husband to be supportive. Here is a story of a wife having a discussion with her husband about giving birth to their baby. But instead of understanding and listening to her he just commanded what he wanted her to do. Do you think he is right?
Source: Reddit
So I’m not pregnant but hoping to be in the next few months. I have previously told OH I would ideally like a water birth, which he was totally against. He is very much of the opinion that a ‘normal birth on land’ has worked for 1000s of years so why should I want to do something different.
Last night I brought it up again after reading a study that showed water births can decrease tearing and generally improve a mother’s wellbeing during childbirth. He believes that the more pain you go through, the better your bond with your baby, and cites statistics about mothers who have c-sections being more likely to develop PTSD or PND.
It’s like debating with a child. He doesn’t listen to my point of view or really take my feelings into consideration at all in the situation.
“I’d rather we find a woman who will carry your egg and give a normal birth than choosing to “lay my eggs in water when they should be laid in a nest”.”
I mean come on… He basically said if I had a water birth he would never forgive me. I’ve said we can speak to a doctor or a midwife and seek their advice but he is dead set against it and has “had his last word on it”.
Am I being unreasonable to think that ultimately the way I give birth is my decision, and he should have more consideration for how I will feel in this whole thing?
Whats your opinion? Does a husband have a say in how his wife gives birth? Here are a few opinion of people who read this post on