
Mother horrified to discover her babysitting was nursing her child

When a working mother went to pick up her newborn daughter from daycare, she saw one of her babysitters nursing her.

The anonymous mother, who lives in the United States, revealed to Slate’s advice blog Dear Prudence that she had found a ‘wonderful’ woman who takes care of children in her own house to look after her adoptive infant girl.

The woman had two children of her own, one of whom was only a little older than the mother’s infant daughter, and appeared to be an ideal match.

The only glitch was when the caregiver expressed her dislike for formula, stating, ‘You feed her that slop?’

Then, two months later, the mother arrived early to pick up her child and caught the caretaker nursing her infant.

The provider couldn’t figure out what was wrong, stating she was “protecting the kid from poisons” and that the distraught mother should appreciate her.

The stunned mother is presently attempting to sort out what to do. She said taking her little girl back to a similar spot is impossible..

The astonished mother is now pondering what to do. She stated that returning her daughter to the same location is out of the question.

Clearly, she is not taking her daughter back there, but should she report her to the umbrella organization she’s under for home daycares, or should she make a big social media splash?’

A cousin also suggested the mother to call the parents of other children attending the day care facility so that they could do their own checks, however she figured this was ‘too much.’

The agony aunt was equally shocked and encouraged her to immediately report the day care provider. ‘This is a massive breach of confidence, a major violation, and it is certainly worth reporting […] she should be reported for this.’

What are your thoughts about this? How would you react to your baby being breastfed by the daycare representative?

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