Finding a balance between courtesy and firm boundaries is typically required when you have neighbors, and this is not always simple to do. However, one mother has encountered an odd circumstance that makes it difficult to be kind and ignites neighborhood tensions. Read the story to know and let us know how you would deal with such a situation.
Source: Mumsnet
So we moved into a flat about 2 months ago with our 2 year old. The last 2/3 weeks I’ve had the downstairs neighbour’s sons asking me repeatedly if my son can go and play with them. For reference, I don’t know them at all. I have briefly said hi to their mum a few times but that is it.) At an estimate, I’d say one of them is 11 and the other one, 12/13.

I don’t have an issue with these boys but I do find it slightly odd they want to spend time with a 2 y.o considering they have nothing in common. These boys are kind of known for being a bit rowdy. According to one of the other neighbours, one of them put dog poo in her letterbox and they’re generally known for hanging about outside all the time, getting into trouble, vaping etc etc etc.
However, since I didn’t want to make things awkward between myself and any neighbours (I have said no to them before saying we were busy etc) I said sure, let me grab my things and we can all go out for a bit. (Communal garden) by that point, the eldest was getting annoyed and said he would be taking my son out by himself?! I declined, shut the door and thought that was that.
This morning, mum comes knocking saying what am I playing at, and what my problem is. Increasingly getting angrier. Shouting, swearing, I eventually managed to get rid of mum but only because my DP had returned from the shops by this point and told her to leave or he’d involve the police. I really don’t think I am being unreasonable but mum has made me feel like I am? I am also concerned that they will not leave this alone. We only moved in 2 months ago so I am worried my response will have caused so many issues for us.
Am I Being Unreasonable For Saying No My Neighbor Son?