Source: Reddit
My husband was driving while drunk, hit a concrete barrier and passed away. I’m so grateful he was the only victim and no one else was injured.
My husband and I were separated but not divorced. He has always been a heavy drinker but it got worse over covid. He became mean, aggressive, violent and abusive. Hitting me was fine but once I saw him hit our kid I knew I had to leave. He didn’t take it well and I had to get a restraining order.
Everyone is sending me their condolences and pretending like he didn’t cause this to himself. They’re saying he was a good man when just weeks ago, they saw the pictures of the scars and bruises he gave me. I’m only sad for my kid who won’t know their father but honestly, I think we’re better off without him.
I now have to put on my grieving wife’s face to appease family and friends but internally, I’m happy he’s gone. I may be a horrible person for celebrating someone’s death but I can’t help but to think it’s karma.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: