
Woman Is Left ‘Shaken’ After Finding ‘Threatening’ Handwritten Note Left On Car.

A lady was ‘shaken’ after seeing a “threatening” handwritten message on her vehicle in a parking row.

Instead of parking outside their house on Radcliffe Street in Royton, Oldham, the letter writer asked the driver to ‘pay for a car park’.

On Saturday, their mother-in-law discovered the piece of paper on her vehicle, according to an anonymous user on a Royton Facebook page.

According to the message, she was concerned about where to park and requested that residents “refrain from posting threatening letters’.

‘Tin opener offered at 81 or 83,’ the message said.

If you need to leave your vehicle for more than a couple of hours, pay for a parking place instead of taking up important parking spaces outside my house!!

‘The can opener may not be so forthcoming the next time.’

‘Disappointed to disclose this was spotted on my mother-in-law’s vehicle today on Radcliffe Street,’ the poster responded.

This individual has no knowledge of the facts surrounding the purpose for parking there, but this is immaterial since none of these properties own the road. She is very startled and is now concerned about where to park, despite the fact that this was totally legal and appropriate.

If somebody has experienced any criminal harm, this may help them figure out where it came from, but we can’t be certain. If you need to park near your house, please relocate to a residence with a parking spot and stop sending threatening messages.

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